Routines and General Information
Religious Education
A Catholic ethos permeates the school day and the life of the school. The school follows the Grow in Love programme. Pupils receive Confirmation when they are in Sixth Class. The preparation of the children for the sacrament is a shared responsibility for pupils, teachers, parents and parish clergy. On certain occasions during the school year, the children may receive the Sacrament of Penance or participate in school Mass.
School Times
1. School begins at 9:00am. It is important that the children develop the habit of being punctual for school. Children who come to school before 9:00am wait in the yard, in their class line. The teacher collects the class from the yard at 9:00am.
2. There is a ten minute break at 10:50am. Yard time is from 1:00pm to 1:30pm.
3. All pupils go home at 2:40pm.
In the interest of safety and fostering independence in your child, parents are asked to wait for the children at the green gates outside the yard rather than outside the classrooms.
2. There is a ten minute break at 10:50am. Yard time is from 1:00pm to 1:30pm.
3. All pupils go home at 2:40pm.
In the interest of safety and fostering independence in your child, parents are asked to wait for the children at the green gates outside the yard rather than outside the classrooms.
School Uniform
The school uniform is worn on all school days other than P.E days. The uniform consists of a wine jumper, light blue shirt and grey pants or a wine and blue school skirt. The uniform is available from Pat O’Farrell School wear (01-8139714). The school tracksuit is worn on P.E days or other sports days as specified by the children’s class teacher. Make-up or fake tan is not allowed and the wearing of jewellery is limited to watches and small earrings.
Please ensure all personal property is clearly labelled with your child’s name. |
School Books
The class teachers distribute the Book Lists to the children in June. Children are asked to have all schoolbooks on the book list for September.
Parents are encouraged to establish a set routine and time for the child to do his/her homework, in a quiet place free from distractions. Parents are asked to supervise children’s homework, checking and signing the homework journal on completion. Please place a note in your child’s homework journal if homework has not been completed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Homework is given Monday to Thursday. Allotted time that teachers expect a child in each class to spend at homework is as follows:
Third Class 30 minutes
Fourth Class 40 minutes
Fifth Class 50 minutes
Sixth Class 1 hour
If your child is spending more time than they should at homework and he/she is doing their work in a quiet place free from distractions, please contact the class teacher.
Homework is given Monday to Thursday. Allotted time that teachers expect a child in each class to spend at homework is as follows:
Third Class 30 minutes
Fourth Class 40 minutes
Fifth Class 50 minutes
Sixth Class 1 hour
If your child is spending more time than they should at homework and he/she is doing their work in a quiet place free from distractions, please contact the class teacher.
The Education Welfare Act requires children to be in school everyday unless there is a reasonable explanation for not attending. The school authorities are obliged to notify the Education Welfare Officer when a child is absent over 20 days. Where a child is absent from school, the parent is required to notify the Class Teacher of the reason for the child’s absence. This can be done using the absences notes in the back of the school journal.
A pupil who shows signs of illness should be kept at home. Requests from parents to allow their child to stay inside during yard cannot be accepted. A child who is too sick to play or go outside during break time should not be in school. The school is unable to provide adequate extra supervision inside the school during break times. However, arrangements will be made in exceptional circumstances, when a child needs to stay inside.
Situations do arise when a child appears well in the morning and then gets sick during the day. Parents/guardians will be contacted. Please ensure that your child’s teacher has up-to-date phone numbers for parents and emergency contacts. These numbers can be written in the homework journal, allowing you to be contacted immediately if your child is sick.
A pupil who shows signs of illness should be kept at home. Requests from parents to allow their child to stay inside during yard cannot be accepted. A child who is too sick to play or go outside during break time should not be in school. The school is unable to provide adequate extra supervision inside the school during break times. However, arrangements will be made in exceptional circumstances, when a child needs to stay inside.
Situations do arise when a child appears well in the morning and then gets sick during the day. Parents/guardians will be contacted. Please ensure that your child’s teacher has up-to-date phone numbers for parents and emergency contacts. These numbers can be written in the homework journal, allowing you to be contacted immediately if your child is sick.
Taking children out of school during the school day
If a child needs to leave school during the day, the parent/guardian is asked to write a note in their journal. The child can only be collected at the office and signed out by the secretary. A child may not leave the school unaccompanied. In the event of any ambiguity whatsoever, the Principal/Secretary will make a call to the parent to clarify the situation.
Primary School Curriculum
The What, Why and How of Children’s Learning in Primary School is a DVD for parents about the Primary School Curriculum. It can be accessed at The DVD provides information for parents about what children learn in school, why they learn with the curriculum and how they learn through different teaching methodologies. The subjects taught from Third to Sixth Class are:
Languages: English and Irish
S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education): History, Geography and Science.
Arts: Visual Arts, Music and Drama
S.P.H.E (Social, Personal and Health Education), Physical Education, Religion
Languages: English and Irish
S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education): History, Geography and Science.
Arts: Visual Arts, Music and Drama
S.P.H.E (Social, Personal and Health Education), Physical Education, Religion
Policies and Procedures
There are a number of policies and procedures in place to ensure the health and safety of all the children in the school. The complete policy documents are available from the school policies webpage.
Code of Behaviour
Our school aims to ensure that the individuality of each child is acknowledged, while recognising the right of each child to education in a relatively disruption-free environment. In our school all pupils are treated with kindness, respect and dignity. There is a strong sense of community and cooperation among staff, pupils and parents and all are agreed that their focus is primarily on the promotion of positive behaviour.
The Code of Behaviour for Scoil Chrónáin SNS is formulated for the purpose of creating a positive learning environment for our pupils that promotes contentment, motivation and achievement.
Guidelines for behaviour are provided in the Code, along with explanations of rewards and sanctions. The school code places a greater emphasis on rewards than on sanctions, and the ideal is that pupils will acquire self-discipline. Bullying or being a party to bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Our anti-bullying school programme is taught in all classes through the school. The full Code of Behaviour can be viewed on the school website or is available from the secretary’s office. Attendance at Scoil Chrónáin Senior N.S. is seen as an acceptance of this Code of Behaviour.
Parents are asked to inform the school in writing if their child suffers from any allergies, long term or short term illness and if their child is on medication. No staff member can be required to administer medicine to a pupil. Where a staff member, with the consent of the BOM, does take on the responsibility for administering emergency medication, an indemnity form is signed by both parties and the insurance company is notified.
Healthy Lunch
Children are encouraged to eat a healthy, well-balanced lunch, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle and forming healthy eating patterns for later life.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed. If a child uses a mobile without permission, the phone is held in the Office until the end of the week.
School Tours and Outings
Each class level organises one school tour every year, with the possibility of additional outings. Teachers will give parents sufficient notice of the outing and the cost. Children wear their school uniform or tracksuit on all school outings. Participation in school activities is dependent on adherence to the school's Code of Behaviour.
Minor accidents are treated at school. In the event of a more serious accident or a child becoming very ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the child’s parents or the person designated to take responsibility for the child.
Parking Outside the school
There is limited parking outside the school on the road. Parents are asked not to drive into the Senior School area as only staff cars are permitted. Parents are asked to drive with great caution and to allow for the unexpected errors that children of school-age can make.
Code of Behaviour
Our school aims to ensure that the individuality of each child is acknowledged, while recognising the right of each child to education in a relatively disruption-free environment. In our school all pupils are treated with kindness, respect and dignity. There is a strong sense of community and cooperation among staff, pupils and parents and all are agreed that their focus is primarily on the promotion of positive behaviour.
The Code of Behaviour for Scoil Chrónáin SNS is formulated for the purpose of creating a positive learning environment for our pupils that promotes contentment, motivation and achievement.
Guidelines for behaviour are provided in the Code, along with explanations of rewards and sanctions. The school code places a greater emphasis on rewards than on sanctions, and the ideal is that pupils will acquire self-discipline. Bullying or being a party to bullying will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Our anti-bullying school programme is taught in all classes through the school. The full Code of Behaviour can be viewed on the school website or is available from the secretary’s office. Attendance at Scoil Chrónáin Senior N.S. is seen as an acceptance of this Code of Behaviour.
Parents are asked to inform the school in writing if their child suffers from any allergies, long term or short term illness and if their child is on medication. No staff member can be required to administer medicine to a pupil. Where a staff member, with the consent of the BOM, does take on the responsibility for administering emergency medication, an indemnity form is signed by both parties and the insurance company is notified.
Healthy Lunch
Children are encouraged to eat a healthy, well-balanced lunch, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle and forming healthy eating patterns for later life.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are not allowed. If a child uses a mobile without permission, the phone is held in the Office until the end of the week.
School Tours and Outings
Each class level organises one school tour every year, with the possibility of additional outings. Teachers will give parents sufficient notice of the outing and the cost. Children wear their school uniform or tracksuit on all school outings. Participation in school activities is dependent on adherence to the school's Code of Behaviour.
Minor accidents are treated at school. In the event of a more serious accident or a child becoming very ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the child’s parents or the person designated to take responsibility for the child.
Parking Outside the school
There is limited parking outside the school on the road. Parents are asked not to drive into the Senior School area as only staff cars are permitted. Parents are asked to drive with great caution and to allow for the unexpected errors that children of school-age can make.
Parent/Teacher Communication
The homework journal is the initial means of communication between teachers and parents and it is important that parents check and sign the journal every evening. Occasions occur where a parent or teacher needs to call a meeting and a note should be put in the journal to arrange an appointment. Meeting with a class teacher at the classroom door, either in the morning or during the day, is not permitted. A teacher cannot supervise a class adequately while talking at the door and it is difficult to be discrete when so many children are close by. Parents can make an appointment with the school secretary to meet a teacher at a time that is convenient to both teacher and parent. All visitors to the school must call to reception.
Parent-Teacher meetings are held in the first term and parents will be given notice of these meetings. A meeting is held in June of each year with parents of the new 3rd class.
In addition to the above forms of home/school links, the following means of communication are also utilised:
• School reports issued at the end of the school year
• ‘Komeer’ text messages sent to parent mobile phones or email
• Details of school holidays and early school closures given in the School Calendar
• Notes in the pupil’s homework journal
• Newsletters issued during the year giving details of events and activities
• School policies available on the school website
Parent-Teacher meetings are held in the first term and parents will be given notice of these meetings. A meeting is held in June of each year with parents of the new 3rd class.
In addition to the above forms of home/school links, the following means of communication are also utilised:
• School reports issued at the end of the school year
• ‘Komeer’ text messages sent to parent mobile phones or email
• Details of school holidays and early school closures given in the School Calendar
• Notes in the pupil’s homework journal
• Newsletters issued during the year giving details of events and activities
• School policies available on the school website